Thursday, September 20, 2012

Slick Rock Country Emporium and Craft Club
Hi there, Sorry I have been on here we did a little vacation then I had some Carpel Tunnel Surgery.  For vacation, if we are not visiting family, we go to Chimney Rock- Bat Cave area in North Carolina. It is lovely there and they have a apple Slushie they is a life changing experience. The other thing we doing is go to the Slick Rock Country Emporium it is a destination all on own. We love it there, Is is a store in Bat Cave that has the best and unique Art you will ever see, a lot is from local artist.  We have become addict to the metal art they sell there. On the last trip we purchase this Flying Blue pig, we have several smaller flying pigs, along with some metal sunflowers. Actual Cindy and I are featured in a road side attractions article standing next to big Henry a giant metal chicken like the one in the photo above. If you near there make she you stop by and say hi to Clay and Becky and sit on the porch awhile.
There was also these light switch covers that I drooled over for way to long, they have, earrings and necklaces. All the gears move too.

We had Craft Club last weekend, and want an awesome project, as I said I had surgery on my hand so my project is not finished yet. But she had a food drive for My Sister's House the local Battered Woman's Shelter and I brought the most food so I won this. These flower were hand made by our host Cindy Phillips and all the vintage lace and bows, Just beautiful. I didn't see any in her Esty shop but I'm sure you could ask her to get some up. They are to pretty to give away, so I'll have to make a project for my self with them.